Niyaali Hera Lyrics by Swoopna Suman: The talented Nepali singer-songwriter Swoopna Suman has released a new song titled “Niyaali Hera” on YouTube. He wrote the lyrics, composed the music, and sang the vocals himself. The song was produced, mixed, and mastered by Saswot Shrestha. It features guitar work by Bishal Chetri and was recorded at Omniphonix Studio in Balaju.

Key DetailsValue
ArtistSwoopna Suman
Song Title“Niyaali Hera” (Niyaali Hera Lyrics)
Release PlatformYouTube
Lyrics/Composition/VocalsSwoopna Suman
Producer/Mixer/MastererSaswot Shrestha
GuitaristBishal Chhetri
Recording StudioOmniphonix Studio, Balaju
Song Info
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Niyaali Hera – Swoopna Suman

Kathmandux Music

Swoopna Suman Niyaali Hera Lyrics

Niyaali Hera Swoopna Suman Lyrics

niyali hera malai
aakha ko baato hudai
maan ma basau
najik aauney prayas ma chu
binti ma dekhi tadha na jaau
Bhuli diye timro lagi afule afulai
aba maan ko ghau kaha po silaau

hmm angalo ma badhi timro
malai tehi kaid gara
hoo khula timra othlai
mera otha ma rakhi banda gara

tehi nidauchu ma
tehi nai pauchu ma
jindagi ka rang khusi ko
hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo

timi samu nabhayeka
din lagcha khali khali
k aartha juneli raat ko
duniya bhari mai maana
parne aavash ho
nyano sparsha timro haat ko

pagliye ma samu timro sameta malai
khoji hidchu timrai angalo
tehi nidauchu ma tehi nai pauchu ma
jindagi ka rang khusi ko
hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo

shabda sanga khelna ta aaunna malai
timro lagi kordai chu kehi
Bhawana misayera yo
geet ko taal ma gauna chahanchu ma kehi
maan mutu mai lekhi diye naam timro
khoji hiddai chu timrai baato

tehi nidauchu ma tehi nai pauchu ma
jindagi ka rang khusi ko
hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo

angalo ma badhi timro
malai tehi kaid gara
khula timra othlai
mera otha ma rakhi banda gara

tehi nidauchu ma tehi nai pauchu ma
jindagi ka rang khusi ko hmm hmm

Niyaali Hera - Swoopna Suman ( Official M/V)

Niyaali Hera Lyrics Official Music Video

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