Nisarta Song Information
song: Nisarta
Singer: Tunna Bell Thapa
Language: Nepali
Released Date: 16 December, 2023
Duration: 3 min 49 sec
Verse 1
Nabheti Timi lai
Kasari mann bujhaunu ?
Naheri Timrai tasvir
Kasari ma nidaaunu ?
Timrai geeta banu,
Ki dhuna haru
Timle mann bhulaune
Milne saathi banu,
Ti kuraa haru
Timi le sunaaune
Yo dil nai haare Meti najaane
Yo mutu ma timi lai raakhe
Haat samaate, Chaadi najaane
Yo juni timrai nimti saache
Aljhekaa Kuraa haru
Bistaarai sunaunu
Thaakekaa Aashaa haru
Merai bhar bisaaunu
Saachaulaa pirati
Har jeet maathi
Timi lai raakhne chu
Timrai chaayaa bani
Nabhete pani
Sadhai pachyaaune chu
Yo dil nai haare Meti najaane
Yo mutu ma timi lai raakhe
Haat samaate, Chaadi najaane
Yo juni timrai nimti saache
Baachaulaa ni naamai saati
Gungunaau hamrai kahani
Maya saachera
Yo dil nai haare Meti najaane
Yo mutu ma timi lai raakhe
Haat samaate, Chaadi najaane
Yo juni timrai nimti saache
Ho ho ho ho …..
Tunna Bell Thapa Biography
Tunna Bell Thapa, a renowned Nepali artist/band, has gained popularity through songs like “Nisarta,” “Saath,” and “Saath.” Explore Tunna Bell Thapa’s music videos, chart achievements, biographies, and interesting facts, including their net worth. Discover collaborations with other singers who have worked with Tunna Bell Thapa. Delve into Tunna Bell Thapa’s Wiki, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media profiles. Learn about their height, age, bio, and real name. Recognized as a prominent artist from Nepal, Tunna Bell Thapa has three songs documented by Popnable. Their highest charting position is #9, while the lowest is #181. Tunna Bell Thapa’s songs have spent seven weeks on the charts, showcasing their consistent presence. Tunna Bell Thapa has appeared in the Top Chart, signifying their standing among the best Nepali musicians/bands, with the highest position at #9 and the lowest at #181.