bujhau malai lyrics sushant ghimire

Bujhau Malai Lyrics in English by Sushant Ghimire: Sushant Ghimire, a talented Nepali singer, has released a new song called “Bujhau Malai” on YouTube. He handles vocals, lyrics, and composition, with music arrangement by Sushant ra Raga. The song features contributions from Bishal Darai on guitars, Kiran Maharjan on violin, Sampurna Chhetri on bass, and Rojen Shakya on drums. Audio production is managed by Saswot Shrestha, with mixing and mastering done at Omniphonics Studio. Bass and drums are recorded by Rakshak Bajracharya at Svana Studio.

Vocals/Lyrics/CompositionSushant Ghimire
Music ArrangementSushant ra Raga
GuitarsBishal Darai
ViolinKiran Maharjan
BassSampurna Chhetri
DrumsRojen Shakya
Audio ProductionSaswot Shrestha
Mixing/Mastered atOmniphonics Studio
Bass/Drums Recorded byRakshak Bajracharya (Svana Studio)
Song Info

Bujhau Malai Lyrics

Sushant Ghimire Bujhau Malai Lyrics

Bhujhau malai yo kasto gahiro maya
laijau malai tyo sansarai timro jaha
rangi birangi junai pani
gunji rahaney dhunai pani
thari thari ehh fulai fuleka yaha
bhari maan bhari umangai umanga ahaaa
bhujau malai yo kasto gahiro maya
laijau malai tyo sansarai timro jaha

barsau dherai din bitey ani dherai raata
haraye ni bhata chadai chau ni merai satha
jhule sirani ma mitha mitha sapana majha
bholi ko k bhara haraau udi jaau na aja

sustari sustari bagne ho ki
daraucha yo maana adhurai cha ni
thamaye samaye yi bega haru
mayakai tyo mandar ugney ho ki
ghari ghari yi bhawana ka bega kina
aghi aghi ehh herchan jiskauchan jhana
Bhujhau malai yo kasto gahiro maya
laijau malai tyo sansarai timro jaha

Bujhau Malai – Sushant Ghimire Official Music Video

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